Friday, June 28, 2024

Dark Brandon's Off-Night

By Miss Kubelik

In a Toronto by-election earlier this week, the Liberal Party lost a Parliamentary seat that's been in their column for the last 30 years. It wasn't a landslide for the Conservatives — they picked it up by fewer than 600 votes. Still, it was a shock. Pundits ever since have been screaming for Justin Trudeau to step down as party leader, and lefty politicians are, as you might expect, hand-wringing all over Canada.

Sound familiar?

Trudeau hasn't tipped his hand yet, but doesn't seem to be going anywhere (the next election isn't until 2025). But the reaction of one of his Cabinet ministers got our attention.

"My advice to him as a minister and a colleague professionally is, absolutely, stay on," Montreal MP Marc Miller said.

"Let's not minimize this loss," he added. "I think a lot of us have to step back, give our heads a shake, screw it on a little better. Stop the navel-gazing and get back on the horse and fight for Canadians."

Two days ago, we cats posted that we knew President Biden would know what to do in last night's debate. Well, it appears that he did — he touted the economy and infrastructure, detailed his plan for the border, slammed Trump's complicity in Dobbs, brought up January 6, and showed real anger about "suckers and losers" — but the problem is, he did all this while being 81 years old. And astoundingly, his team appeared to have prepared him for a normal debate. About halfway into it, he seemed to click and change tactics.

(We also liked his comment about alley cats. It's a handy reminder to spay and neuter your pets.)

The worst thing about last night was that it opened the door once more to all the — as Marc Miller would say — navel-gazing about Biden's age, which means maddening media reruns of hysteria and "panic." So Joe owns that, and he needs to figure out how to respond. While he does, let's get back on our own particular horse and fight for Americans: Give to Democratic campaigns before the end of the quarter on June 30. Knock doors and make calls. Help register voters. Write postcards and letters. Our democracy is worth it. We cats PURR.

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