Thursday, June 20, 2024

We've Lost A Good Donald

By Baxter

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was holding a press conference today during a visit to Westville, Nova Scotia, when he learned that the actor Donald Sutherland had died.

"I had the opportunity when I was much younger to meet Donald Sutherland," Trudeau said, "and even as a young man who hadn't had a full exposure to the depth of brilliance of Donald Sutherland, I was deeply, deeply star-struck. He was a man with a strong presence, a brilliance in his craft, and truly, truly a great Canadian artist, and he will be deeply missed.

"My thoughts go out to Kiefer and the entire Sutherland family, as well as to all Canadians who are, no doubt, saddened to learn this, as I have right now."

Nice. Very Justin-y. And since Canadian politics (at least, on the Conservative side), have become alarmingly Trumpier and Trumpier, it occurred to us that Trudeau's rivals, had they been in his shoes today, would have been completely incapable of making such gracious off-the-cuff remarks. Ontario premier Doug Ford, or Alberta premier Danielle Smith? No way. Blaine Higgs, the Tory premier of Sutherland's birth province, New Brunswick? Nope. The super-MAGA leader of the national Conservative Party, Pierre Poilievre? Inconceivable.

Meanwhile, gosh. "TCM Remembers" is going to be brutal this year. We cats PURR at Donald Sutherland, and wish him a gentle journey to the land of beautiful souls.

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