Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tidbits And Cat Treats: Primary Day Edition

By Hubie and Bertie

Not a bad day for us Democrats so far.

Republicans are eating their own in the GOP primary for the fifth Congressional District of Virginia, and we cats are here for it. Mega-MAGA incumbent Bob Good (who, contrary to his name, is a very bad man) is in a tight, tight race against Trump-endorsed, far-far-far-right-wing challenger John McGuire. As we write this, it's 51-49 McGuire, which is terrific, because you know that the losing candidate, whoever he is, is going to scream bloody rigging murder.

Meanwhile, in the Democratic primary to succeed Representative Abigail Spanberger — who's leaving Congress to run for Virginia Governor — it looks like Eugene Vindman is probably headed for Capitol Hill (the seventh district leans D). If that name rings a bell, it's because he was the whistleblower who helped reveal Benedict Donald's attempted extortion of Volodymyr Zelenskyy. "Here, right matters," he testified. Congrats, Gene! (And please add him to your House donor list.)

Meanwhile, Trump held a "show" in Wisconsin today and tried to make amends for calling Milwaukee horrible. It rang a little hollow since the news broke earlier that he will stay not in Milwaukee for the Republican Convention but in Chicago, where he has a hotel. But even more important, his slide into befuddlement continued. In his speech, he called Joe Biden "Joe Bride," accused Biden of who-knows-what in an incomprehensible word salad, and rambled on about sharks again. Will he even make it to the convention? We'll see. We cats HISS.

UPDATE, June 19: This is so great. VA-05 is too close to call, with McGuire leading by 327 votes, 50.26 percent to Good's 49.74 percent. And the vote count was halted — and remained halted all day — in observance of Juneteenth. Two right-wing Republicans left on tenterhooks because of a Biden-endorsed holiday for Black Americans. Dark Brandon couldn't have planned it better! We cats PURR.

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