Saturday, June 22, 2024

Tidbits And Cat Treats: Saturday Stuff Edition

By Zamboni

The heat is breaking a bit in Upstate New York — what a relief! Here's a hodgepodge of stories and events we're following today.

Mad Dog PAC is kicking up quite a rumpus in South Florida with its "No to Dictators, No to Trump" billboards and trucks. That's good! Why should someone oppose Fidel Castro's autocracy but be okay with Benedict Donald's? Mad Dog also promises more, so here's how you can chip in.

Just for the record, the Ten Commandments have never seemed to stop religious freaks, in all Christian denominations, from grooming and raping children. And how long before Louisiana decides it's going to ignore the Constitution and force school prayer next?

In the latest example of "Everything Trump Touches Dies," consider the Stanley Cup finals. When Benedict Donald first posted about the Florida Panthers on "Truth" Social, his failing social media site, the Cats were up 3-0 against the Edmonton Oilers. Since then, the Panthers have done nothing but lose — and by wide margins, too. A predictor for Trump for November, perhaps? Food for thought.

P.S. As a convicted felon, Trump is now unable to visit Edmonton, or anywhere in Canada, without special permission or criminal rehabilitation, something we suspect he'd resist.

P.P.S. Now Donald thinks people are setting up tents in airports. Is everyone so sure he's going to be able to debate? (Trump World is already preparing for disaster by claiming the debate will be rigged.)

Finally, today is National Kissing Day. We hope you like scratchy ones. We cats PURR.

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