Monday, June 24, 2024

Roevember Is Coming


By Hubie and Bertie

For the last two years, reproductive freedom has been the winning message at the polls. Which is the only good news delivered by the despicable Dobbs decision. As upset as we cats were that jackasses like Samuel Alito and the Trump-picked Supremes were making American women's (and men's) personal decisions for them — and hamstringing medical professionals' ability to provide healthcare — we were relieved to at least be on offense for a change.

After 40 years of playing defense to the Christian right, we're able to marshal our forces now, because people's lives across the country are being affected. Dobbs is determining where millions of Americans decide to live, work, go to college, practice medicine, and more.

Should we pro-choicers have communicated better over the years about what a crucial role abortion plays in protecting women's health? Absolutely. But now we have to focus on what we've been doing since June 24, 2022: winning elections. LFG, as they say. We cats PURR.

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