Sunday, September 8, 2024

And The Grievance Goes On

By Sniffles

There's been some hand-wringing on social media today over a certain New York Times poll, even though it shows Vice President Harris and Benedict Donald... well, tied. Yes, we know— clear-thinking people simply can't understand why the Presidential race is even close. Maybe it's because the wrong people are being polled, pollsters are asking the wrong questions, or folks just aren't as tuned into politics as we are.

Tuesday night might help sort some of this out. In the meantime, Team Harris just keeps working. (It was fun to learn that her TV ads were running during today's football games. When you have a ton of money to spend, these are the nifty things you can do.)

But Donald definitely seems to think he's losing. You can tell from the way he's escalating his rhetoric — at least, when he's able to put a coherent sentence together. "Trump has a history of railing against election officials, and raising unsubstantiated claims of fraud, when his political fortunes appear uncertain — as they do now in his extremely close race with Vice President Harris," The Washington Post reports.

What exactly did he say? Just that "WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again...this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters & Corrupt Election Officials."

Trump vowed that the cheaters would be "sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country."

Donald's punctuation continues to be a mystery, but there's an instantly recognizable shtick at work here: He's laying the foundation for claiming a Harris-Walz win to be fake. It's all he's got at this point, because he's weak, powerless and feeble. We're not saying that electing MAGA this November wouldn't be dangerous — Vice President Harris has consistently recognized that. We're just agreeing with her when, in the same breath, she calls Trump "an unserious man." We cats PURR.

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