Thursday, September 12, 2024

Kamala's Good Week

By Miss Kubelik

Every campaign has good days and bad days, and goodness gracious, did we Democrats have a passel of bad days between June 26 and July 21. Of course, it's entirely possible that we'll have more tough times ahead — that's just how things work. But for right now, Vice President Kamala Harris is having an excellent run.

This week in particular has been one to savor, and not just because Harris held huge, rapturous rallies in North Carolina this afternoon, while it looked that Benedict Donald wasn't able to fill the modest, 2,000-seat Linda Ronstadt Music Hall in Tucson, Arizona.

The week essentially started with the debate on Tuesday night, of course — and with Taylor Swift's quick endorsement, which helped kick off hundreds of thousands of voter registrations and brought $47 million to Harris-Walz within the first 24 hours after Trump stumbled off the stage in Philadelphia. We cats had been concerned about the quality of the post-debate analysis, because (except for Lawrence O'Donnell) the pundits and talking heads are pretty inadequate at their jobs. But the universal consensus was that Harris won big.

Harris did so well, in fact, that Donald has now proceeded to chicken out of a rematch. You can't help but wonder if JD Vance will do the same in two weeks. After all, aren't all the debates "rigged" now?

Then, the next day, everybody showed up in New York at the 9/11 commemoration, including Trump and Vance in matching suits and ties (jeez, they are creepy and weird). Donald managed to shake Harris's hand and tell her, "Good job." She merely nodded and said "Thank you," and turned back to her conversation with Senator Chuck Schumer. Dark Brandon didn't quite succeed in suppressing a grin.

The 36 hours since have brought one fascinating development after another. First, we heard this morning that Republican Attorney General Alberto Gonzales endorsed Harris. Then we noticed that Donald's advancing dementia is starting to get more of the media's attention. And why wouldn't it, when he goes on and on about kids getting sex changes in middle school, and immigrants eating pets? We're waiting for journalists to catch on to the fact that Trump has suffered severe narcissistic injury from his whooping. It will only get worse, because now a few post-debate national polls have come out:

  • Harris 50 — Trump 45 (+5) Morning Consult 
  • Harris 47 — Trump 42 (+5) Ipsos/Reuters
  • Harris 49 — Trump 45 (+4) YouGov/Times (likely voters) 
  • Harris 50 — Trump 47 (+3) Leger/New York Post 
  • Harris 48 — Trump 45 (+3) SoCal Strategies

Poor Donald. How simply frightful. How humiliating! How delightful!

But our favorite new story is about that racist, performative fool, Laura Loomer, who is suddenly seen everywhere with Benedict Donald (and with Moose & Squirrel nowhere to be found). Republicans and Trump allies are unhappy, including Lady Lindsey Graham and — gasp! — Marjorie Taylor Greene. In fact, Loomer has descended into cat fights with both of them. Can Melania be far behind?

We can't think of anything right now that will peg Trump more as an unfit nutjob than the fact that he's hanging out with an unfit nutjob. Of course, there are tons of crazies around him, but Loomer's a real standout. We cats hope she never leaves his side, and we PURR.

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