Friday, September 6, 2024

2004 Called. They're Speechless.


By Hubie and Bertie

The question that this amazing news raises is this: Who's next? The Worst Person Who's Ever Lived (Before Trump Came On the Scene)?

George W. Bush, wallowing in his usual worthlessness, has been stonily silent as Russia has commandeered his political party. An alleged cozy pal-ship with the Obamas is not enough to redeem him. Heck, nothing's enough to redeem him, not really. But if heart-transplant-thief Dick Cheney can cross the aisle, why can't Smirky?

The usual names have been tossed about: Paul Ryan, Willard "Mitt" Romney, Chris Christie, Lisa Murkowski... all those Repubs who have tsk-tsk'd about Benedict Donald but who haven't had the balls to do what Liz and Dick Cheney just did. They're all inadequate in so many ways, but any of them could probably take the plunge and endorse Harris-Walz now — the Cheneys have paved the way. And of course, the timing is perfect, because early voting is fixing to start soon.

However, the one person we really want to see grow a pair is Condoleezza Rice. Talk about worthless. That so-called Soviet expert, who probably knows better than anyone the threat that Vladimir Putin poses to American democracy? Her silence may be the most despicable of all. We cats dare her to have some patriotism and decency. In the meantime, expecting nothing, we HISS.

(UPDATE, September 7: George W. Bush will not endorse in the 2024 Presidential election. Still the worst in so many ways.)

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