Tuesday, September 10, 2024


By Hubie and Bertie

As you can tell from our body language, we're pretty unimpressed by this whole JD Vance-says-Haitians-eat-pet-cats thing. (Besides, we're resting up for tonight's debate.) But we'll make a few comments anyway.

It is, without a doubt, the most repulsively racist trope to date from Team Trump. Ever.

That's saying a lot, because from Day One, Benedict Donald and his minions have wallowed in and promoted race-based hate and fear. They've pushed bigotry out from under the rocks where it had always hidden (and where it once again absolutely belongs). Haitians are hardworking and, sadly, historically beleaguered people, and if any of them manage to make it to the US, they deserve our respect and support, not calumny. Trump and Vance are sickening.

Even though the Trumpsters have half-heartedly backpedaled, the trope is exactly where they want it — in the social-media bloodstream. Obviously, they've given up on trying to appeal to persuadable swing voters, and are now just focusing on their rage-filled base.

Can you win an election that way? We've always been taught that you have to expand your pool of voters, not contract it. But everything is topsy-turvy these days, so we can only hope that in four years, the uber-revolting JD Vance is left merely trying to decide whether to run for re-election to the Senate. Because he sure as hell won't be Vice President. We cats HISS.

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