Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Out On The Hustings — Or Not

By Baxter

Pretty interesting that Vice President Kamala Harris is in New Hampshire this afternoon, just days after a kerfuffle erupted in the Benedict Donald campaign about whether they've abandoned it for November. As one (now former) Trump official put it, "The campaign has determined that New Hampshire is no longer a battleground state."

Which turns our thoughts to the other swing states, naturally. For example, CNN has new polling that shows Harris up in Michigan by five points and in Wisconsin by six.

If these numbers continue to hold up, Team Trump will have to take Wisconsin and Michigan off the board, and they'll redeploy their money and staff — such as they are — elsewhere. And will they quietly drop their efforts in NE-02, which, as we've noted, has Harris leading by that same stubborn five-point margin?

These are the kinds of decisions that campaign people face when races get down to the wire — which is where we are now, what with Labor Day in the rear-view mirror. They're not easy choices to make. Time grows shorter every day, and resources can get tight. However, one of the ways a campaign can cushion things is by having its candidate out on the stump, doing events, raising money, rallying supporters, signing up volunteers, and registering voters. In short, beefing up its ground game.

So what is Benedict Donald doing this week? Is he working the rope lines the way Harris and running mate Tim Walz are? Nope. He's in Pennsylvania, but merely to do an uber-friendly, tightly controlled "town hall" on Fox, hosted by Sean Hannity. He isn't holding one of his MAGA "shows" until Saturday, after a notoriously light schedule. (Unless you count incessant golfing as heavy campaigning.)

What this says to us is that Donald has mentally and physically deteriorated to the point where his handlers know they can't medicate him enough to enable any convincing cognitive function. He's not out there helping his own cause because he's not capable of it. Are the media starting to realize it? Will they ask questions? They sure screamed a lot about President Biden that way. We cats HISS.

(UPDATE: Benedict Donald is now scheduled to speak at the Economic Club of New York on Thursday. Will he talk about sharks, batteries, and Hannibal Lecter? We cats will be watching for flubs.)

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