Sunday, September 1, 2024

Too Many Deaths

By Hubie and Bertie

This is Tel Aviv at 1:30 PM Eastern time today: Israelis demonstrating against the right-wing government of Benjamin Netanyahu after six Gaza hostages were found dead — i.e., recently murdered.

Israel is threatening a general strike tomorrow, to protest its government's failure to obtain the release of the remaining October 7 hostages. We cats hope they'll go through with it, because we're not seeing any other way to drive the Netanyahu coalition to its knees. And it deeply deserves it.

At the same time, we're disgusted that the awfulness of Netanyahu has essentially obscured the evil of Hamas. Not only did Hamas systematically murder, maim and rape Israelis on October 7, they apparently executed six hostages while in the middle of negotiations to free them — including an American with dual citizenship, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, whose parents spoke at the Democratic National Convention less than two weeks ago.

Yes, Netanyahu is terrible, but in spite of what some performative protesters might try to tell you on this side of the Atlantic, we cats believe that Hamas is ultimately to blame. They attacked and murdered 1,200 Israelis 11 months ago, fully knowing they could expect a Bibiesque-level response. Which means they couldn't care less about the people of Gaza. The Gaza Palestinians are just there for Hamas to build tunnels under and use as pawns in their repellent chess game. It is disgusting and depressing.

We cats HISS, and we'll let President Biden speak for us now.

"I am devastated and outraged. Hersh was among the innocents brutally attacked while attending a music festival for peace in Israel on October 7. He lost his arm helping friends and strangers during Hamas's savage massacre. He had just turned 23. He planned to travel the world. I have gotten to know his parents, Jon and Rachel. They have been courageous, wise, and steadfast, even as they have endured the unimaginable. They have been relentless and irrepressible champions of their son and of all the hostages held in unconscionable conditions. I admire them and grieve with them more deeply than words can express.

"I know all Americans tonight will have them in their prayers, just as Jill and I will. I have worked tirelessly to bring their beloved Hersh safely to them, and am heartbroken by the news of his death. It is as tragic as it is reprehensible. Make no mistake. Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes. And we will keep working around the clock for a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages."

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