Tuesday, September 24, 2024


By Zamboni

Life's been challenging for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau lately. After nine years in power, he's facing an electorate that's ready for some change. Want proof? The Liberal Party recently lost two by-elections in ridings that they've held for years. Maybe the only good news for him is that the national Conservatives are currently headed by the most unlikable leader Canada has ever seen.

It's not certain that that's going to save him if the Tories are able to force an election. But as a guest of Stephen Colbert's last night, Trudeau graciously proved he was still devoted to Sunny Ways (and he was honest about how Canadians are feeling about their lives these days). Whether he sticks around as the Liberal leader — or hands off power à la Dark Brandon — we cats wish him well, and we PURR.

P.S.: Trudean could have informed Colbert that Canada no longer has the penny. And their paper money features kids playing hockey, the Vimy Memorial, and Viola Desmond, known as "the Canadian Rosa Parks" for her refusal to vacate a Nova Scotia whites-only movie theater in 1946. Maybe we Americans could emulate that on our own currency, eh?

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