Friday, September 20, 2024

Tidbits And Cat Treats: We Can't Believe What We're Reading Edition

By Hubie and Bertie

Yesterday was one for the record books, all right. We cats are traveling and very busy, but simply couldn't let it go by without a few observations.

It made big news that Republican Mark Robinson did not drop out of the North Carolina governor's race by midnight last night. Normally, this would not be a story, but with porn-posting Black Nazis, you never know about these things. Why did the state GOP not bother to make Robinson quit by the deadline? Maybe because they understood that they weren't going to work miracles and win that race by forcing him out so late. So they've surrendered to reality. And perhaps they hope to salvage the state for Benedict Donald — but from what we hear, North Carolina Democrats are all gas, no brakes.

Not to be outdone by Robinson and his fondness for unhygienic sex practices (Donald, do you approve?), Matt Gaetz has stepped up to the plate with new revelations about his sex-and-drug parties with underage girls. Will the Republican family-values high jinks never stop?

The execrable Maggie Haberman is whining about practitioners of her trade attracting criticism for their inadequate and/or non-coverage of Trump. "I think the media does a very good job of covering Trump," she bleated. "I think there is an industry...that is dedicated to attacking the media, especially as it relates to covering Trump and all coverage of Trump." This "industry" makes Mags puzzled and sad. Well, as Dan Froomkin of Press Watchers has pointed out, all she has to do to feel better is to give us better reporting.

Speaking of bad journalists, Olivia Nuzzi of New York magazine is seeing her career crash and burn because of an alleged affair with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Gross. What were we just saying about how the press has to do better? "Nuzzi becoming another notch on RFK Jr's belt instead of exposing him for still being a cheater is exactly why trust in the news media is at an all-time low," said one of our favorite tweeps.

Finally, probably worried that everyone else was getting all the attention — especially Vice President Harris and Oprah Winfrey — Benedict Donald went full-on anti-Semite yesterday. Well, at least the press is covering it. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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