Monday, September 16, 2024

Betty Would Have Called Out GOP Racism

By Baxter

Happy Lauren Bacall Centenary to all who celebrate. Here's a nice photo of her. And because Betty was a shrewd and loyal Democrat who didn't put up with nonsense from anyone, we'd like to share a trenchant observation about the Republicans that we encountered today.

You may have seen the recent clip from Megyn Kelly's podcast of National Review editor Rich Lowry. Hard on the heels of Benedict Donald and JD Vance doubling down on their anti-Haitian hate, Lowry called legal Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, the N-word. (Rich has denied the obvious. It should also be noted that when he did it — and he did — Megyn hardly batted an eye.)

So Republican racism has become even more open, shameless and shocking. It probably makes you wonder: Why are they doing this? Don't they realize that the more they put towns like Springfield in an uproar, the more they insult hardworking and law-abiding people, the more obnoxiously they behave and the more blatant they are, they're turning off fair-minded suburban voters all across America?

It doesn't make any sense, right?

Here's something that will help it all fall into place. It involves revisiting the recent ABC News/Ipsos poll that has Vice President Kamala Harris leading Trump among likely voters by six points — outside the margin of error. One particular number in the survey caught pollster Cornell Belcher's eagle eye. 

"Most fascinating data point I’ve seen in public this cycle is post-debate @ABC poll," he tweeted. "Harris at 45% support among white likely voters. Oh, you don’t think that’s all that interesting? Well, if that 45% holds, it would be greater white support than any Democratic Presidential candidate since 1976!"

Commentator Elie Mystal summed it up this way: "Harris with 45% white support would be close to a blowout for her. And this is why the white wing is doubling down on its racism. They need to turn out the racists, in large numbers, to win this thing."

Thanks, Cornell and Elie, for making things clear for us. Now, let's all turn out big the moment that early voting starts, and swamp the haters and the bigots by a zillion votes to one. If she were still with us, Betty Bacall would be at the head of the line. We cats PURR.

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