Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Willard Is Worried.

By Miss Kubelik

Willard "Mitt" Romney is spending a lot of time wringing his hands these days. How is he going to protect not just himself but his enormous Mormon family from Benedict Donald's "retribution" if Trump wins in November? "The Trump-era GOP’s perception of Romney as a devious traitor puts him in a precarious position," laments his obsequious biographer, McKay Coppins.

Gee. This is the same guy whom the January 6th MAGA mob would have torn apart, like something out of Suddenly, Last Summer, had Officer Eugene Goodman not directed him away. You'd think that he'd already know a close shave when he sees one, and would take some pre-emptive action instead of sitting around in his soon-to-be-empty Senate office, whining to Coppins.

Instead of cowering in fear for the next month, why doesn't Willard:

➤ Help elect Vice President Harris by endorsing her instead of, say, writing in Liz Cheney (which is as good as a vote for Trump)?

➤ Support Constitution-loving Democrats running against MAGAts in flippable House seats so that when it comes time to certify the 2024 election results, a Democratic majority can ensure that the people's will is heard?

➤ Put, say, $20 million of his own money into his PAC and use it to flip a state like Florida blue?

➤ Leave the Republican Party, declare himself an Independent, and caucus with the Democrats for the next few months?

He won't do any of these things, of course. Because Willard always disappoints. Like his 2012 running mate, Paul Ryan, he is the emptiest of empty suits. Our schadenfreude is nice, but this is BS. As Michelle Obama so famously said, "Do something." We cats HISS.

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