Saturday, September 21, 2024

Donald's Upset He Lost To A Girl

By Sniffles

Here's a quick note for this evening: Vice President Harris has accepted a second debate with Benedict Donald on CNN on October 23. But Donald has rejected the idea as "too late."

Never mind that back in 2020, the final debate before Election Day was October 22. So what's the diff?

In other words, Trump is gaslighting. He was faced with a Hobson's Choice — debate again and get creamed by Harris, or refuse and look like a chicken. Hence his grasping for a lame excuse that can get easily checked. Will any journalists hold him to account? (Cue laughter.)

Our thought was this: If your ultimate plan is to scream "fraud," do you really need to do another debate? On the other hand, if subverting an election is Donald's playbook, he should be mindful of the number of Democratic governors in swing states and the fact that Biden and Harris are in charge in DC. We cats PURR.

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