Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Katie, Brian, Charlie: Firedoglake Should Make You Ashamed

By Baxter

We cats are ensconced in the five-paw cat hotel, while our owners, who type this blog for us, leave for northern — and, unfortunately, Tory-governed — climes. However, we'd like to take a moment to say that we PURR at Mike Stark from Firedoglake.

Mr. Stark has been tracking down Republican members of Congress and forcing them to comment on the ridiculous "birther" movement. Bravo, sir. Obviously, the mainstream media are falling down on the job, so it's up to you to make GOP members come clean. Thank you for your public service.

Some people have decried Mr. Stark's methods, but we couldn't disagree more. Unlike celebrities like Janeane Garafolo, who was ambushed by FOX "News," the folks at Firedoglake have been, um, "dogging" elected officials. See, we think this is appropriate. Elected officials are accountable to the people who elected them. And in this day and age, they need to be ready to respond at a moment's notice to an inquiry from the public — at all times.

Sorry, but as the late Walter Cronkite would say, that's the way it is.

If the Republicans had any guts, they would turn to Mr. Stark and say whatever talking points they've prepared about these "birther" idiots. Or maybe even answer honestly. But with very few exceptions, they don't. And that's the story.

When are Republicans going to stand up to the nutbag fringe of their party? And while we're at it, when are Republicans going to condemn the vitriol of Glenn Beck?

Cowards, all of them.

We cats believe that every Republican on the face of the earth should be asked about the right-wing nutbag stuff, again and again and again. They should either be forced to agree with it — and marginalize themselves — or disavow it.

They can't have it both ways. They can't fan the flames and then run away when they're asked about it.

If the mainstream media won't do what it's supposed to do, then people like Mike Stark have to carry the flag.

Somehow we think that Walter Cronkite would not be pleased.

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