Thursday, December 9, 2010

What the Hell Are You Waiting For, Mr. President?

By Zamboni

We cats don't understand. If the Pentagon has spoken, the military brass has spoken, the troops have spoken, and the American people have spoken — why can a few clueless jerks in the United States Senate block the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"?

Do not get us started on the Republicans tonight. They clearly care nothing for the men and women serving in our military any more than they care for the first responders who sacrificed their health and well-being on September 11, 2001. They are disgusting and abhorrent. But right now, our focus is on Barack Obama, President of the United States. We have something to say to him about "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

Mr. President, the time to wait has passed. This sorry-ass Congress will not repeal this hated law, although you've given them every chance. You must now step in and issue an executive order to repeal DADT. Do it now, before the courts take action and all heck breaks loose.

In short, it's time to summon your inner Harry Truman, Mr. President. If you have one, that is. We cats pray that you do.

P.S. Want to write President Obama and tell him to stand up for gays and lesbians? Do it here.

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