Monday, April 1, 2013

Who Is This Man And Why Do We Care What He Thinks?

By Sniffles

We cats don't understand why anyone in the Republican Party should listen to Ed Gillespie. As we recall, Mr. Chinless was brought into the Willard Mitt Romney campaign as the resident grownup who was going to help Willard "win."

And he did a heckuva job at that, didn't he? "We're going to have a great celebration here tonight," Gillespie told the Romneybots in Boston on election night. Whoops! (Dick Morris was fired from FOX "News" for being that wrong. Why does Ed Chinless still get to opine on that same channel? Why do Republican campaigns still pay him the big bucks? We wonder.)

Anyway, Gillespie has defiantly stated that no way, Jose, will the GOP ever countenance marriage equality. Privileges like hospital visitations will have to do. "We can do those things without having the government sanction same-sex marriage," Gillespie said. Hm. Since there are more than 1,000 benefits that opposite-sex married couples currently enjoy that same-sex couples don't, enacting that many new laws to help gays sure sounds like Big Government to us.

Well, never mind. Because we're all supposed to believe Ed Gillespie because he's such an expert on everything.

Actually, the world should give Gillespie the hook. Not just because he's an idiot — but because as Chairman of the Republican National Committee, he presided over the Bush-Cheney re-elect-us-fear-the-gays hatefest in 2004. We cats HISS.

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