Saturday, February 6, 2016

Tonight's Republican Debate: America's Future?

By Zamboni

While the Republicans stage their latest knock-down, drag-out fight on ABC tonight, let us all remember once again that there is an alternative.

So, okay — quickly, let us cats say that while we loathe Chris Christie, right now we would like to shake his hand and give him a Daniel Webster cigar. His takedown of Baby Marco Rubio this evening was nothing short of masterful. From what we can tell, Baby Marco has not been able to recover. And we understand that Rafael Cruz, Jr., busy pandering for the Rand Paul vote, hasn't had a great night, either. Cheshire cat grins all around!

Meanwhile, yes — we're aware that there's a Democratic race in New Hampshire on Tuesday. And we know there are lots of young people who are not in Secretary Clinton's corner. But we'd just like to ask them how they'd feel about a Republican President making nominations to the Supreme Court in 2017. Goodbye, voting rights. Goodbye, gay rights. Goodbye, especially, women's reproductive rights. Goodbye, everything we clear-thinking Americans hold dear. Just sayin'. We cats HISS.

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