Monday, January 22, 2024

Garbage In, Garbage Out

By Hubie and Bertie

Although Republicans seem hell-bent on nominating him, you sometimes have to wonder if Benedict Donald is even going to make it to November. He's been rambling and gaffe-ing an awful lot lately. Even folks in the news media are starting to take note. Confusing Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi got a lot of people's attention.

And Team Trump must be worried about it — because they sent out super-MAGA surrogate Elise "Elsie" Stefanik to try to refute the Haley-Pelosi slip. Au contraire, it was intentional, Stefanik insisted. Nikki Haley, she claimed, is "relying on Democrats just like Nancy Pelosi to try to have a desperate showing in New York." (Then she caught herself and quickly said "in New Hampshire," LOL.)

Wow, that's thin. So thin that Haley doesn't strike us as the one who's desperate (although she may be). This was straw-grasping beyond belief — even more pathetic than Tim Scott's recent engagement photo. But then, both Elsie and Scott want the world to think that they're Vice Presidential material, so they'll do what they can (never mind the fact that Mike Pence's tenure in the job significantly lowered the bar for any aspiring Republican successors).

Look, Elsie can pander and grovel and toady all she wants. But we're convinced that if Trump picks a female running mate, it won't be a Blue State Girl like Stefanik, or a Red State Girl like Kristi Noem or Sarah Huckabee Sanders or Haley or Marjorie Taylor Greene. First, except for Noem, they're not good-looking enough for Trump. Second, it's going to be Kari Lake. Physically (at least, with that camera filter she uses), she's "his type." And he needs purple-state Arizona. We cats HISS.

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