Friday, June 7, 2024

By George!

By Baxter

Ronny Chieng of The Daily Show is not the most erudite political interlocutor, but his hosting of George Conway last night was one of the most important interviews of the 2024 election. In 13 minutes, Conway boils down in plain language the current threat to democracy known as Donald Trump. (Conway doesn't get into the question of the horrifying enablers of the GOP, but that's probably a topic for another show.)

Conway's Trump summation is perfect because it's directed not at us political junkies, but at most Americans — folks who haven't really been tuned in until recently, and who need a quick refresher on what is going on. It's also perfect because, as Chieng points out, Conway carries extra credibility as a conservative Republican. Additional fun facts: He's the former husband of Trumpster KellyAnne, and he's given close to a million dollars to support President Joe Biden's re-election.

As if all that weren't good enough, he mentions Trump's narcissism and cognitive decline. With interviews like this, the mainstream media will not be able to ignore Trump's mental issues much longer. Donald's performance on the stump has featured erratic word salads and incomplete thoughts. His recent sit-down interviews, with Fox & Friends and "Dr." Phil, were not live, and were heavily edited. Sooner or later (probably sooner), the political press will have to admit that Trump will never be able to debate Joe Biden — not in three weeks, not ever.

Meanwhile, President Biden is in France, rallying the free world to the cause of democracy. We cats are happy to be Biden-Harris supporters on the right side of history, and we PURR.

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