Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Those Who Rewrite History Will Doom Us

By Baxter

The right-wing press in Canada (yes, alas, there are a lot of them) is all upset that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, in his resignation announcement, said he would prorogue Parliament until March. In other words, Parliament will not be in session, and the Liberal Party will choose a new leader in the meantime. Apparently the Conservatives are vexed, too, and are threatening a court challenge.

Gee! While the Maple MAGAs are screaming about Governor General Mary Roberts agreeing to the prorogue request, something is getting forgotten here — as so often happens in Trumpy worlds.

When he was in power, Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper prorogued Parliament to avoid no-confidence vote and other political embarrassments — four times! You could look it up.

Somebody needs to work up some moxie and fight back against these ahistorical and hysterical reactions. It would also help if someone would point out that the Trudeau government is hardly a failure — which is the other narrative the right wing is pushing. How many elections did he win? Just one short of Harper's prorogue total. We cats HISS.

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