Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Goodbye, O God-Awful Days of Goodling

By Zamboni

Okay, it may appear lately that some people in the Obama Administration are having a little trouble paying their taxes.

Pretty embarrassing. But at least we don't fire folks because they're rumored to be gay.

That's the post-Bush news item we prefer to celebrate today: The Justice Department has rehired Leslie Hagen, who was illegally and outrageously sacked from a Native American affairs liaison job because someone said she was a lesbian.

Not a lesbian, but alleged to be one. Either way, such a firing is against the law. But that didn't matter to Monica Goodling. Remember her?

So we cats PURR at the Holder Justice Department, for righting a disgusting wrong. And as for Ms. Goodling, we dump our dirty litter boxes in her underwear drawer. She should be flogged.

P.S. And the Democratic tax kerfuffles? We cats are indulging in some slightly wry expressions. We're remembering all the media brouhaha about Bill Clinton's foundation donors. Surely that would disqualify his wife from becoming Secretary of State! So, former President Clinton released his list. And then — nothing. Guess the press was having its typical anti-Clinton knee-jerk reaction. If they were sniffing for scandal, maybe they should have been looking elsewhere.

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