Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bobby, They Hardly Knew You

By Sniffles

Gee, if only Republicans would take Ari Fleischer's 2001 admonishment to heart. If they'd just watch what they say and do, they'd have a much smoother ride with their crazy-eyed base.

How do we know? Here's one example — Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.

Bobby, the nutcases over at Free Republic have turned against you. First, you had the temerity to support the $300 million Senator Landrieu secured in the health care bill for your state's Medicaid program. Governor, the Freepers believe you should have turned that money down. Since you didn't, you've generated comments from them like this:

"Jindal has been incredibly disappointing in terms of potential for national office... [H]is comments on working with Obama on health care show him to be tone deaf. I had very high hopes, but 2009 has been a bad year for Bobby."

"[W]e need strength of character and someone who is willing to say NO to all our enemies foreign and domestic."

"Jindal looked like he might be good, but he's proven, especially with this, that he's a dud."

"Well, looks like ol’ Bobby was a very rapid flash in the pan."

Adding insult to injury, Jindal, all smiles, turned up at the White House for last night's state dinner. The Freepers are sure it's political payback for the health care bill. Of course, the dinner honored the Prime Minister of India — and Jindal is Indian-American — but, never mind.

So Governor Jindal is now wanting in the eyes of the far right. Which means he probably also would fail the GOP's new "purity test." Our only question is, who would pass?

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