Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bow Only to Miss Manners' Judgment

By Zamboni

Oh, boy, here we go again. The right-wing nutbags must be going bananas over President Obama's latest bow to a head of state. This time it was to the Emperor and Empress of Japan, with whom he lunched in Tokyo.

While we cats see nothing terribly significant in the President's gestures and are certain he is doing them to be polite, we wish he'd cut it out. Not because it inflames the crazy base of the Republican Party (which we enjoy), but because it's simply wrong.

Decrees no less an expert than Miss Manners:

"Royal personages... do not have the right to receive physical obeisance from American citizens. One does not bow or curtsy to a foreign monarch because the gesture symbolizes recognition of her power over her subjects."

Okay, Mr. President? Can we stop now?

As for all those right-wing maniacs who frothed over a completely fabricated earlier Obama "controversy" — and you know what we mean — Miss Manners also has the final word: "The hand-over-the-heart gesture is optional for all."

1 comment:

The Cranky Copywriter said...

Are you sure that Obama bowed to the emperor and empress. They are both so tiny maybe he just bent over to make eye contact with them.