Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lest We Furr-get: Marco Rubio and the 2008 Presidential Election

By Baxter

Is there now any doubt that the teabaggers are idiots? Or are they just on the same let's-rewrite-history train that the Republicans are? We cats suspect both.

That's because Republican Senate candidate and teabagger darling Marco Rubio came out with a simply extraordinary statement the other day. He told The Los Angeles Times, "I think the folks in charge of government have overreached... They quite frankly misinterpreted what they thought was a mandate."

Excuse us? Where was this kid in November 2008? Unlike the eternally suspect George W. Bush, Barack Obama is a decisively elected President of the United States. His 9,124,522 popular-vote victory margin gave him the largest-ever victory by a non-incumbent Presidential candidate. More than 62 million Americans voted for him in what the United Press International called a "blowout." President Obama earned 365 electoral votes, including 27 from Mr. Rubio's home state.

Sounds like a mandate to us!

So we cats HISS at the right-wingers. Don't try telling us that Americans didn't vote for the Obama agenda in 2008.

As for Little Marco? You, young man, must stay after school — and miss recess, too.

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