Monday, April 5, 2010

Tidbits and Cat Treats — Easter Monday Edition

By Zamboni

Personally, we cats would rather eat deviled eggs than roll Easter ones. But whatever your pleasure, here are a few thoughts that are knocking around in our heads this afternoon.

Nearly every day, John McCain proves himself perennially unfit to be President. Of course, he instantly disqualified himself last year, by picking an ignorant fool to stand a 72-year-old heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Now, running scared in his Arizona Senate primary and trying to appeal to the mouth-foaming Republican base, he claims he's not a maverick after all. Liar, liar, pants on you-know-what.

It's beyond ironic that Rush Limbaugh would accuse President Obama of "character assassination" when the right-wing, Limbaugh-loving mob that's taken over the Republican Party — and which GOP leaders like Mitch McConnell and John Boehner are too scared to criticize — have called the President every name in the book, from "socialist" to "Communist" to "Nazi." Of course, none of them knows what any of these labels mean.

Two more reasons not to give a crap about Tiger Woods, even though he's named after a cat: 1) He hired that little snot-nosed Bushie, Ari Fleischer, to rehab his image, and 2) He's playing at Augusta, which discriminates against women. We cats dump our dirty litter box in Woods' golf bag.

Finally, we cats PURR at White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, for the best Michael Steele one-liner so far.

UPDATE: There's a big cat fight! over at the Republican National Committee tonight. Fun!

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