Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Biggest (GOP) Losers

By Zamboni

We cats are still agog about the results from what the press dubbed as last night's mini-Super Tuesday. (Actually, it wasn't anywhere near a mini-Super Tuesday. The media need to stop labeling the news to drive ratings.)

But we digress. As bloggers, we'd be remiss if we didn't create a list of winners and losers from yesterday's primaries. Correction: a list of losers. (Because we know who the winners were. They were the people who got the most votes — duh.)

And coincidentally, all the losers are — Republicans! Here we go:

The Republican Leadership Establishment: They were crowing they'd win the special election for Jack Murtha's House seat. In fact, the ever-clownish Michael Steele scoffed on national T.V. at the suggestion they wouldn't win. But they fell short by a solid eight points.

John Cornyn and Mitch McConnell: Gentlemen, teabagger nutcase Rand Paul embarrassed your anointed candidate in Kentucky. Um, we think you have a problem on your hands.

Chris Dudley: He may have won the GOP nomination for governor in Oregon, but Dudley was a bit of a — well, a dud. He only got 40 percent of the vote. This despite the fact that he's a sports celebrity — a former center with the Portland Trailblazers.

Arkansas Guy: No one was paying any attention, because all eyes were on Blanche Lincoln and Bill Halter. But the preferred Republican candidate for Senator Lincoln's seat, a sitting Congressman, barely got 50 percent in a three-way primary. It was enough to avoid a runoff, but we cats sense some softness there.

Our Latest Christian Hypocrite: And then of course there's the ugly guy from Indiana who's resigning because he was boinking an aide. (Yuck.)

Yes, they're losers, all, and all on the heels of such underperformers as Kay Bailey Hutchison in Texas — not to mention our current fave, Charlie Crist from Florida, who's been effectively chased out of the party. We cats wait with interest to see Crist's next move now that tar balls are washing up on the beaches of the Florida Keys.

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