Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lest We Furr-get: The Bush Bubble

By Zamboni

We cats are amused at the thought that Barack Obama sparring with a heckler in California is surprising news.

President Obama is one of the most intelligent occupants ever placed in the Oval Office. We'd actually be agog and a-twitter if he weren't able to hold his own with an inconsiderate speech interrupter.

(Note to our friends in the GLBT community: We empathize with your frustration over the slow repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." But there are better ways of expressing it than pulling a Joe Wilson.)

But we digress. How refreshing it is to have a President who's willing to go before — and engage — people who are less than 100 percent friendly. George W. Bush, by contrast, only spoke to carefully crafted, pre-screened audiences, no matter how innocuous the topic.

We'll take a President who faces his detractors head-on — instead of hiding behind tightly controlled events — any day.

(IMAGE: Newsweek magazine, obviously.)

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