Thursday, July 8, 2010

Just Because You're Paranoid Doesn't Mean They Aren't Out After You

By Baxter

Heard about the "Senators' death hoax"? Seems that news releases were sent out the other day announcing that Pat Leahy, Dianne Feinstein and Frank Lautenberg had all died. It soon became clear that the "news releases" were fakes.

Lest you be tempted to laugh this off as a holiday weekend prank, we cats have some stern words for you.

Senators Leahy, Feinstein and Lautenberg are all — you guessed it — Democrats. For varying reasons, they're all betes noires of the nutbags on the right. Therefore, as far as we cats are concerned, there's only one explanation for this macabre oddity.

It's a sophisticated, well-planned, secret right-wing campaign to signal the teabagger death squads to employ Sharron Angle's famous "Second Amendment remedies" against designated lefties. Once the press releases are decoded by the Freeper true believers, they'll know the time and place of the hits they've been assigned.

Is this a joke? Yes. Is it possible that the Republican Party's mental-case base has gone so far off the deep end that the joke isn't funny? You betcha.

(IMAGE: "A Christmas Carol," 1984)

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