Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Answering the Call

By Sniffles

We cats are not claiming that Keith Olbermann reads us, and responded to yesterday's post about stepping up to the civility plate. But in the wake of the Rally to Restore Sanity he's decided to suspend his "Worst Person in the World" segment.

Our first thought was, "Oh, noooooooo, we love the 'Worst Person'!" But then we took a deep breath and sucked it up. In the interest of toning it down — and perhaps to shame others — we understand that the segment will have to go. (However, we refuse to stop referring to George W. Bush as The Worst Person Who's Ever Lived, because it's true. Just ask more than 100,000 dead Iraqis.)

At the same time, though, we're wondering something. Is it possible to ask for a little teensy bit more of cable news? As in, could we trade some of the snark — on all sides — for some institutional memory? Although Keith, who was a sportscaster originally, certainly practices it, it appears to be sorely missing from most of the rest of journalism. Institutional memory — particularly in the pursuit of much-needed, rational context — would be very good indeed.

In fact, we cats would be so happy to see it back that we'd be willing to suspend a segment of our own: "Lest We Furr-get." No skin off our little noses. We bloggers are tired of doing journalists' jobs for them.

So come on, vaunted members of the Fourth Estate: Are you ready to stop being lazy? Stop repeating everyone's talking points and do some real reporting for a change? Now, that would make us PURR.

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