Friday, July 22, 2011

Chicken Run

By Zamboni

Okay, we cats have refrained from commenting on the debt ceiling talks, but this afternoon we think this might change.

The reason we've refrained is that, honestly, we couldn't face the idea that something that was so simple, something for which Ronald Reagan pushed 17 times, would now be impossible. See, this is what happens when teabaggers get elected to Congress.

Ya know, on the political, "Inside Baseball" level, it's a perfect example of how Republicans have refused to extend the courtesies to President Obama that Democrats routinely afforded St. Ronald — which pisses us off. But even more important than that, this debt-ceiling game of chicken screws around with our economy, the country, the well-being of all 330 million Americans, and the world economy. Even stalwart members of the GOP like Bob McDonnell recognize this as so.

The blame for which we totally lay at the feet of Republicans. Somehow we don't think the Founders had teabagger inflexibility in mind when they designed the system of federal checks and balances.

We cats would be much more sanguine about all this if we didn't realize that the Republican leadership was not only ineffectual but held hostage by its extreme right-wing base. We can only assume that the President will rope-a-dope them until he gives up, says the process is impossible because they are unreasonable, and invokes the 14th amendment.

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