Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A (Non-Litter) Box We Like

By Baxter

We cats have returned from a country that has been occasionally divided by language to a country that seems to be split on just about everything. You know what? Despite the fact that our political party currently holds the White House, sometimes we're sorely tempted to go with the place that just argues English versus French.

While we were there, it was pretty dispiriting to realize, as this writer avers, that the first image Canadians conjure up when they think about the U.S. these days is the teabaggers — their anger, their ignorance, and their sense of entitlement.

That, and his too-true observation that America is teetering on the brink of an inability to function — thanks to the insane right-wing aversion to taxes and the Republican fat cats who feed it — well, it's all just too depressing for words.

Therefore, let us take a moment to celebrate a small something that works. See this adorable mailbox? It's the latest thing from Canada Post, and it's brilliant. Know why? Because it's the world's most effective anti-graffiti weapon. Plain red mailboxes all over Montreal used to be scribbled on within an inch of their lives. But thanks to this busy, cheerful new design, the boxes are graffiti'd no more.

We wish we could have come up with an example from below the 49th parallel this day after the Fourth of July. But we'll take what we can get.

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