Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Best Freeper Post, Ever

By Sniffles

We confess: When we cats get lazy — when it's chilly out, and the space heater is going, and we've just scarfed an entire plate of Friskies Sea Captain's Choice — we visit the comment threads at Free Republic for some easy entertainment.

So, okay, we plead totally guilty to that. But we really, truly had to see how the Freepers were reacting to the news that a third woman at the National Restaurant Association has alleged inappropriate behavior by teabagger Presidential favorite "Herb" Cain.

This interested us for several reasons. First, because the right wing is just totally, utterly aghast at President Bill Clinton's behavior, forever and ever, amen. No way, they aver, would any of the guys on their side of the aisle so debase themselves! Yet now that "Herb" has been proven to have sexual feet of clay, we're highly amused by their bending and scraping to absolve him.

But the other reason we're intrigued is that "Herb's" candidacy is only a story because the famous quitter from Alaska, um, quit. Quit, that is, the 2012 race. We instantly saw the Freepers turn on a dime — okay, a regretful dime, but nevertheless a dime — from Palin to Cain. Therefore, we were completely unsurprised (and pleased) when this Godfather's Pizza parvenu rocketed to the top of the nutty Republican primary polls.

Therefore, dear readers, without further ado, let us share with you this FANTASTIC post from a Freeper named "Pravious" on the latest Cain conundrum. Cue drum roll, please!

"This makes me sick. Just another reason I hate that Palin decided not to run... they’d already thrown everything in the book at her, and nothing stuck (in spite of their childish insistence to the contrary). This crap might stick.

"So... what’s going to happen? Do we need to see each of our candidates destroyed one-by-one... if not by our other candidates, than by a bunch of scum-sucking leftist slime, aided and abetted by the mainstream media? So we’re gonna wake up one day and find no one left standing except the candidate the powers-that-be demand be on our ticket (and you all know who THAT is). Can’t we just wipe the friggin’ slate clean and find ANOTHER half dozen people? Kind of like kicking nitwits off of a jury, and choosing another? NONE of these people are really acceptable. NONE OF THEM. >:-("

Oh, Pravious, we Democratic cats heart you. Our only regret is that you haven't bothered to create an "About" page.

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