Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Bad Spell of Spelling

By Sniffles

We cats feel surrounded by spelling errors today. In the space of just a few hours, we've been exposed to the following examples of idiocy:

Prince George's County, Maryland recently issued high school diplomas with the word "program" as "progam," and will have to replace them.

The Romney campaign famously goofed up the name of the country we all love (above). Now, they've done the same to the President whom Republicans love even more.

A Manassas, Virginia white supremacist who threatened President Obama and who has been arrested on weapons charges once commented online that he needed an illegal AK-47 "to protect micelf [sic] and my wife from rioting neeegroes [sic].... Now I’m not advocating violence against [Obama], I’m just saying there are White folks out there that are none to [sic] happy with his ‘election.’"

So... okay. The white supremacist clearly has an IQ of about 30 and may be the victim of home schooling. Prince George's County needs a proofreader. And maybe the Romney folks do, too — but it's kind of disturbing to imagine how sloppily they'd run the country if they were given the chance.

We cats think that if someone has the time, it might be amusing to comb through the following documents for typos: 1) materials promoting the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, 2) Bain Capital's SEC filings from Willard's tenure, 3) every official proclamation issued by the Governor of Massachusetts, 2003-2007, and 4) all Willard campaign propaganda from 2008.

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