Friday, December 28, 2012

Worried About The 2 Percent (Milk, That Is)

By Zamboni

If you think that the current gang on Capitol Hill is making the 80th "Do-Nothing" Congress look like industrious worker bees, you're right. It's caught the pundits' attention that the 112th Congress has passed the fewest bills since — well, since the 104th, back in 1995-96.

Hmmm. We cats wonder who was in control of those Congresses? You'll never guess! (Answers below.)

Republicans just continue to prove that people who don't believe in government are lousy at doing it. For example, nearly lost in all the fiscal-cliff hand wringing is the fact that the latest farm bill, which has always passed in five-year increments without much fanfare, is also stuck in the mud of GOP intransigence and, unpassed, threatens to make all our pocketbooks explode.

"Progress stopped when House Republican leadership refused to allow floor debate on the [current proposed] package even with [a] promise of tens of billions of savings over the next decade," POLITICO reports.

We cats just can't understand it. The GOP's in charge, most representatives from farm states are Republicans, and it's in their interest to pass it. But, like so many other pressing matters that the Republicans hold hostage to obstreperousness, it's going nowhere.

This Congress — and specifically, this House — is an embarrassment. Thanks to their incompetence, soon we'll all have to pay $8 for a gallon of milk. Which makes us cats HISS.

(ANSWERS: 80th Congress: Republicans, both chambers. 104th Congress: Republicans, both chambers. 112th Congress: Republicans, House of Representatives. Surprise!)

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