Saturday, May 11, 2013


By Zamboni

Goodness gracious. We cats never dreamed we'd be writing about this so soon after our former Secretary of State's retirement. But the terrified GOP has forced us into it.

Their obsession with "Benghazi" — that is, the day that Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others were killed at the US consulate in Libya —has reached such a crescendo that they're now arguing over edits to an internal memo. What an eye-roller. The administration's worst sin last September was that they misunderstood a fast-changing situation in a war zone. Without even a Presidential Daily Brief that they could ignore!

The Republicans don't give a rat's butt about Chris Stevens or the other guys who died that day. All they care about is trying to destroy Hillary Clinton before 2016.

You can tell, because not only is Rand "Look At Me, Everybody" Paul attacking her in Iowa (gee!) — but now Karl Rove has gotten into the act. American Crossroads has released a video to get us all worried about — what? A coverup. Oh, okay. But a coverup of what? Who knows?

This is all so inside baseball that we cats just have to wonder what will happen in a few months, when Hillary Clinton still ranks as one of the most popular politicians in America.

Wait, we know the answer: Karl Rove will have blown another swift-boatload of money on nothing. We cats PURR.

(IMAGE: New text from Hillary: "Hey gop boys yr polls suck 4 u.")

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