Sunday, September 29, 2013

Log Cabin Logic

By Zamboni

We cats would like to spend our Sunday afternoon PURRING and rubbing the ankles of one Mr. David Lampo.

"Who?" We can hear you asking, so we'll tell you. The Divine Mr. L is on the national board of the Log Cabin Republicans, and while we rarely have good things to say about today's GOP, he has more than earned scratchy kisses from us.

That's because of his scathing piece in The Washington Post, warning Republicans, and particularly libertarians, off the Virginia GOP's Neanderthal ticket of Cuccinelli-Obenshain-Jackson.

"The last thing libertarians should want is a government based on what many conservatives refer to as 'biblical principles,' yet that seems to be what Cuccinelli wants to give us," Lampo writes. "These statist views are simply not consistent with the core Republican and libertarian values of limited government and personal freedom. Rather, they are the views of someone more interested in telling you what to do based on his beliefs rather than in protecting your right to make your own choices."

Meow. Mr. Lampo is exactly right, and so we are doing our part to spread his gospel to our fellow Virginians.

It also shows that the flurry of excitement earlier this year — you know, about how Rand Paul could bring libertarians back into the arms of the Republican Party? — is, ahem, not going to be as easy as Rand might think. We cats PURR.

(PHOTO: Log House for Cats, just $129!)

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