Wednesday, November 5, 2014


By Miss Kubelik

All righty, then, the Republican wave finally materialized last night. It sure was slow getting here, but once it arrived, goodness gracious. (One bright spot: Minnesota, that island of sanity in a sea of craziness.) We cats are still picking up the pieces, and will have more to say as further trouble ensues.

But in the meantime, we're struck by the number of headlines we're seeing, one right after another, that drive home the true darkness lurking beneath: "The most expensive Senate match-up in US history," "Tens of millions of dollars in negative advertising," "One of the most expensive races this cycle."

Yep, it's the money — Koch money, Adelman money, and other money that came from God knows what right winger where. (And only God, since the donors will never have to be revealed.) So first and foremost, we can lay this debacle at the feet of Citizens United. Thanks for nothing, John Roberts, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito.

We cats were hoping that the Democratic ground game would be able to make up for all the conservative spending. But now we're afraid that after yesterday, the Kochs and their ilk will be emboldened and double down. Which makes us HISS — and fear for our country.

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