Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Committing Suicide At The Ballot Box

By Sniffles

The man in the pink shirt is a guy from Kentucky named Dennis Blackburn. He's 56, unemployed, and has a passel of health problems: "a hereditary liver disorder, numbness in his hands and legs, back pain... plus an abnormal heart rhythm." But luckily, Blackburn has medical coverage to help him with all that, because Kentucky's outgoing Democratic Governor, Steve Beshear, instituted a robust Obamacare program, Kynect, and expanded Medicaid in the state. In fact, after losing his mechanic's job, Blackburn signed up for a Medicaid plan with help from his local Obamacare rep.

So you must be feeling pretty bad for Dennis Blackburn, right? After all, in a surprise upset, Kentucky just elected a Republican Governor, a teabagger who insists that he's going to dismantle Kynect and remove the sinister stain of the ACA from the Bluegrass State forever.

Um, not so fast. Dennis Blackburn voted for Matt Bevin — the teabagger.

Reports The Washington Post, "Blackburn voted for Bevin because he is tired of career politicians and thought a businessman would be more apt to create the jobs that [his] county so needs. Yet when it comes to the state’s expansion of health insurance... 'Without this little bit of help these people are giving me, I could probably die,'" Blackburn said.

Excuse us, but this man is an idiot. Bevin based his entire campaign on hatehatehating Obamacare — and if Blackburn, with his Medicaid insurance plan and his many maladies, didn't realize that, we are simply baffled.

Yes, we know that Bevin won't be able to smite Kynect the moment he gets into office, but we are wondering why in the world some Americans behave the way they do. Whatever it is that causes ailing 56-year-old white males like Dennis Blackburn to vote against their own best interests is a mystery. Although it does explain why so many of them are dying. We cats HISS.

1 comment:

The Cranky Copywriter said...

The answer is simple. Ignorant people don't know which side their bread is buttered on. This country has millions of Democrats who think they're Republicans. My welfare-dependent sister was one of them. Where does it come from? Who knows? Probably a holdover from their parents who were just as ignorant.