Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Hats Off To Frederica Wilson

By Baxter

We cats knew it would just be a matter of nanoseconds before someone on the Republican-right tried to brush off Congresswoman Frederica Wilson because of her hats.

And — yup! Ultra-right harridan hater Laura Ingraham has given it a shot. Called Representative Wilson a "nutbag," too.

We'd like to take this opportunity to remind all you young kittens out there that Congresswomen wearing distinctive hats has precedent. Bella Abzug started doing it because she was tired of people (mostly men) mistaking her for a secretary. So Laura Ingraham, who we hope is daily mistaken for something she's not, can take her comments about Representative Wilson and shove them.

Trump claims he has "proof" he didn't handle the call to Sergeant La David T. Johnson's widow the way Representative Wilson said he did. After which Wilson fired back at Trump: "How about you go get that proof and call me back?" We cats love that, and we PURR.

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