Saturday, October 28, 2017

Roger & Us

By Baxter

Well, it's after 9 PM on the last Saturday of the World Series, and so far, no Saturday Night Massacre. Folks on Twitter had been speculating that Donald Trump would stage an SNM Redux tonight since CNN reported yesterday that Robert Mueller was bringing charges against somebody (or a bunch of somebodies) for something, come Monday. (Russia-related, of course. We're hearing Manafort. We shall see.)

In the meantime, cooler heads have pointed out that it's really too late for Trump to fire Mueller — at least, too late for him to do it without cataclysmic consequences. And so we wait. And savor tweets like the one above — which can never be retweeted enough, as far as we're concerned.

The other thing we can savor tonight: Roger Stone has been suspended from Twitter — perhaps permanently — thanks to a venomous tirade he went on last night. We're thinking that Roger's Oxy ran out and he tweeted while he was waiting for a fentanyl delivery. But whatever the cause, Twitter is far, far better without him. We cats PURR.

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