Sunday, August 5, 2018

Lest We Furr-get: 1984 (Then And Now)

By Baxter

This Drumpf rally photo is all over the Interwebs today. And that old malapropism crossed our minds for the zillionth time: that if Ronald Reagan were alive today, he'd be spinning in his grave. What has his Republican Party come to?

We cats thought we'd find out. After all, we were alive during Reagan's heyday, nightmare that it was. So we decided to look up the Republican Party platform from 1984. Turns out our memories were confirmed: Before they went all soft on former KGB guy Vladimir Putin in 2016, the GOP was pretty darn tough on Putin's ex-Soviet bosses.

"We hold a sober view of the Soviet Union," the platform intoned. "Its globalist ideology and its leadership obsessed with military power make it a threat to freedom and peace on every continent... The...illusion that the Soviet leaders share our ideals and aspirations is not only false but a profound danger to world peace.

"Republicans reaffirm our belief that Soviet behavior at the negotiating table cannot be divorced from Soviet behavior elsewhere. Over-eagerness to sign agreements with the Soviets at any price...should never blind us to this reality. Any future agreement with the Soviets must require full compliance, be fully verifiable, and contain suitable sanctions for noncompliance."

How things have changed! So maybe it's good for Ronnie's sake that he isn't around to see this. But people like James Baker, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, George Shultz, Bob Dole, George H.W. Bush and Brent Scowcroft are all very much alive. Mrs. Malaprop wants to know why they're not spinning in their graves. As for us cats, we HISS.

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