Saturday, April 6, 2019

Journalists: Orange You Ashamed?

By Zamboni

The most depressing thing about the Barr cover-up of the Mueller report is how thoroughly the press bought the "exoneration" narrative — despite a verbatim line from the letter saying "not exonerated."

Headlines have changed since then, because of course nobody's actually read the Mueller report. But it was still dispiriting to see the media's Trump credulity in action once again. Michelle Wolf was so right when she told the roomful of journalists at last year's WHCD, "I think you love him." That made for one frosty ballroom!

And now The Washington Times has followed suit with a Donald Trump interview, in which Mr. Tertiary Syphilis pushes back against beyond-the-grave slams from Barbara Bush. "I have heard that she was nasty to me, but she should be," he said. "Look what I did to her sons."

Here's where the Times interviewers failed: The diaries that Bush biographer Susan Page quoted from — and in which Bar expresses loathing for all things Trump — date back to 1991, nearly 15 years before he first started criticizing George W. Bush for his numerous failings, and a full 25 years before he came up with "Low-Energy Jeb."

Then again, it is the Moonie-founded Times. But still shamefully deficient. And indicative of the double standard by which Trump is treated. We cats HISS.

(IMAGE: We cats think we know where Laura Bush got her "crazy eyes" look from.)

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