Sunday, April 28, 2019

Worst. Ever.

By Miss Kubelik

Once again, Donald Trump and his nutcase followers have managed to inject a crazy idea into the mainstream, and it could very well get somebody killed.

Trump must have been feeling under the gun at last night's "show" in Green Bay — either from the death of Wisconsin dairy farming (thanks to his tariffs) or from the pressure from Capitol Hill Democrats in the wake of the Mueller report. Whatever the reason, he decided to accuse doctors and nurses of "executing babies."

Here are the facts: Almost no aborted fetuses are born alive. What does happen, however, is that babies can be born with a terminal prenatal diagnosis, putting the parents through the agonizing decision of administering comfort care only. That's when a hospital's bereavement team swings into action, providing both infant and family with love and support until the inevitable time of death. Often this is as hard on the nurses and physicians as it is on the moms and dads.

Tweeted one RN last night in response: "NO ONE ever, in any hospital, nor any mother who has just given birth, is conspiring with a doctor on whether or not to commit infanticide. This is perhaps one of the sickest accusations levied by this deranged dictator yet."

We agree. In fact, it's probably — and this is saying a lot — the worst thing Benedict Donald has ever done. How completely and utterly cruel he is, and how little he cares. We hope that no doctor or nurse will be murdered by a Trumpster because of this. We also hope the American experiment doesn't end with this lying sociopath, because it could. We cats HISS.

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