Thursday, March 3, 2022

Rice? No Dice.

By Hubie and Bertie

As Russia continues to push into Ukraine, up in Canada, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland is getting hailed as a Cabinet minister who was made for this moment.

"No one in the Canadian political class has studied Russia, or its now-pariah president, more than Ms. Freeland," says The Globe & Mail. "As a student of Russian history at Harvard and exchange student in Kyiv in the 1980s. As the Moscow correspondent for the Financial Times in the 1990s. Or, since 2015, in her successive roles as Canada’s minister of international trade, foreign affairs and finance."

Freeland's bio and her deeply credible, in-your-face "Vladitude" raises an interesting question.

Where is our Russian expert in all this?

This is a time that should shine on Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State for Bush 43 and, before that, a Soviet scholar at Stanford. There should be calls for President Biden to consult her for a bipartisan take on what Vlad is up to. Republicans in the Senate should be demanding that Foreign Relations Committee bring her in for briefings. The editorial pages of The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The New York Times, USA Today, etc. should be chock-full of her thoughtful views and analysis. And she shouldn't just be on Fox — she should be all over cable news. But, no.

Is it because Republicans know she's a fraud? Or that the party has left her, even though she hasn't left the party (a whole 'nuther question, by the way). Is it because she's worried about coming under attack from the Republican Treason Caucus? Or is it because she thinks that if she opens her mouth she'd destroy any hope of becoming NFL Commissioner? We cats don't know, but as always when it comes to "Condi," we HISS.

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