Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Something Is Happening

By Zamboni

We cats have declined to jump on the Bash-Merrick-Garland train because we always had this nagging feeling that there are goings-on we can't be privy to. As in, the Department of Justice can't talk about what they're doing because, well, talking could screw everything up and let the miscreants off scot-free.

Yes, it's frustrating that the insurrection was over a year ago and we have yet to see anyone big hauled off to the hoosegow for it. But it must be a YUGE investigation. Any case DOJ builds has to be airtight.

And now, this quiet snippet from The Washington Post (see above).

As former federal prosecutor Joyce Vance observes, "Unlike Congress, DOJ has the authority to enforce its own subpoenas. One solution is sending out the US Marshals with handcuffs to bring in recalcitrant witnesses who miss their date, which means witnesses usually don’t." She also believes that DOJ hasn't yet charged Mark Meadows with contempt because he's either cooperating or a target.

We cats don't pretend to understand any of this legal stuff. One thing we do get, though, is that the wheels of justice grind slowly. But they grind. We resolve to be patient, and we PURR.

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