Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Biden 65, GOP Zero

By Sniffles

This is one of those weeks where you try to get all sorts of work done, because people are on vacay and nobody will bother you, right? Projects to complete, chores to finally get to, catnip mice to chase. But Joe Biden is working harder than any of us, signing a huge stack of bills — 65, to be precise. Thanks, Congressional Democrats!

Joe's writing hand must be so tired. Perhaps he should take a few days in St. Croix. (Note to Republicans: If you stayed quiet while Benedict Donald spent every weekend at one of his rundown golf resorts and charged the government and Secret Service billions of dollars to stay at his properties and protect him, you can take a seat.)

Meanwhile, things are looking grim and chaotic for Republicans on Capitol Hill. The new Congress is supposed to be sworn in on Tuesday, and nobody knows if Kevin McCarthy has enough votes yet to be Speaker. (Tsk, tsk. You'd never find Nancy in that embarrassing position.) And the George Santos catastrophe continues: Two of his fellow newly elected Long Island Republicans, Nick LaLota and Anthony D'Esposito, are slamming him, with D'Esposito calling for a House ethics investigation. His Democratic opponent is daring him to engage in a do-over. 

Finally, Santos himself was cornered and humiliated on Fox "News" last night by Tulsi Gabbard, who was filling in for Tucker Carlson. A rattled Santos obviously thought Tuls was going to give him a soft interview. Guess again, George (or whatever your name is)! We cats PURR.

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