Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200

By Zamboni

We cats are no admirers of The Wall Street Journal, especially since Rupert Murdoch bought it and allowed the right-wing zaniness of its editorial page to creep into its news coverage. But it performed an important public service back in 2015, when it pulled the curtain away from the swindler known as Elizabeth Holmes.

Now, the creepy Holmes, who was convicted of defrauding investors in her fake blood-testing company Theranos, has been ordered to report to prison on May 30 to start her 11-year sentence. It's about freaking time. Ramesh Balwani, her partner in crime (and ugh, former boyfriend), has already been hauled off to the hoosegow for his own, 13-year sentence. So why was Balwani treated differently?

Maybe because he didn't get pregnant a couple of times during his appeal and try to play the mommy card to stay out of jail, like Holmes did. Even now, she's been given the next two weeks to "make child care arrangements." Jesus, lock her up already.

It would be interesting if the press would ask for comments from the many Republicans that were duped by Holmes, including Bill Frist, the DeVos and Walton families, Robert Kraft, Henry Kissinger — and, ironically, Rupert Murdoch, whom Holmes had asked to quash the Journal's reporting. (George Shultz, however, is reported to be unavailable.) We cats HISS.

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